Revealing the Business Advantage Of Men and Women Working and Leading Together

  • Inclusive Leadership
  • Improved Innovativeness and Decision Making
  • Reduced Risks and Costs
  • Responsiveness to Markets & Clients
  • Enhanced Safety and Productivity
  • Improved Financial Performance

Gender Intelligence Accelerates Inclusion

After decades of ineffective quotas, a revolutionary approach to breaking through the glass ceiling for women has come into focus—one shaped by a greater understanding of our gender differences instead of trying to ignore them.

Today, Gender Intelligence is improving communication between men and women in organizations around the globe. It’s resulting in superior innovative thinking, more effective problem solving and decision-making, greater team productivity, and more enduring customer relationships.

How our clients describe Gender Intelligence:


“Our ability to have straight-forward conversations and create win/win relationships between men and women is a lasting breakthrough.”


“It has made us far more effective in how we communicate and lead teams.”


“We have created breakthrough results in productivity, sales, and customer satisfaction.”


“Gender Intelligence has deeply transformed our culture and eliminated biases and barriers to advancing women and men of all diversities.”

For over thirty years, our mission has been to create gender aware, organizational cultures that understand, value, and engage the unique abilities inherent within each individual. Our objectives are:

To ensure that our clients are perceived as employers of choice for women, men, and all diversities.

To empower organizations to advance women and men together and gain the economic value of difference thinking and shared leadership.

To create cultures which embrace gender and cultural differences, and enable everyone to find professional and personal success.


Since 1990, Gender Intelligence™ has delivered breakthrough results to Fortune 500 companies, organizations, governments, and universities across the globe.

With 51+ associates worldwide, we’re able to meet the training needs of organizations on all continents, and in a multitude of languages. We also provide consultative services featuring leading edge diagnostic tools for organizations, online learning, and a wide range of multimedia training tools to foster Gender Intelligence in the workplace.


“Our conference was a great success, much thanks to your fine involvement and excellent presentation. We could have listened to you for hours; we do hope to have a much longer encore in Stockholm next year. You were EVERYBODY’S favorite speaker and the perfect conclusion to the day.”

Renée Lundholm - President of the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce

“Barbara has been a true blessing for our company; she spins her magic, plants seeds in everyone’s minds that have grown into unforeseen results.”

Tom Schwartz - Four Seasons

“Our company is not the same since we learned about Gender Intelligence, we have exceeded on all our six metrics once we implemented our insights. Gender Intelligence is now in the DNA of our culture”

Kerrie Peraino, EVP, American Express

“WOW!” I had no idea of the impact Gender Intelligence has had on me as a leader and how I have transformed my approach to how I work and communicate with women and engage diverse teams”

Bob Cancalosi, GE

“Our culture at the firm has transformed from a macho siloed culture to an inclusive culture. I really see the change over the years and it has had lasting effect at many levels, including the fact that we now have 42% of women in leadership”

Jane Allen, Senior Partner, Deloitte

“The Executive Coaching that Barbara Annis & Associates provided can only be summed up as a transformational life-changing experience. Not only was I able to overcome several major hurdles in my professional and personal life, but I actually enjoyed the ride. From the bottom of my heart… I thank you.”

Jim Riddell - Executive Vice President of General Motors

“In the two decades, scores of diversity consultants have appeared on the scene in global businesses and governments… The best of the bunch is Barbara Annis.”

Tony Blair - British Prime Minister

“Anyone who has experienced a coaching session or workshop with Barbara Annis will never be the same… It’s a wake-up call that leaves you refreshed and with fire in your belly.”

Mary Kay Ash - Founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics

“Barbara has an ability to get in under my skin and create unparallel learning for me, a very cynical businessman. Thank you doing this with such tenacity and elegance.”

Richard Barton - CEO & President of Xerox

“I was skeptical at first, but quickly discovered that Gender intelligence was a powerful transformative experience for all our leaders involved. It has had a lasting impact on how we think about our business and how we walk to talk as leaders”

Lars Terney, Partner, Nordic Capital

“My sincere appreciation for the Men and Women in Business Program. We have had tremendous feedback from the participants from all aspects of the program. This truly was a “state of the art” experience. Thank you Barbara, your powerful messages and tremendous presence was the key. You and your associates are true professionals. Also, many specifically commented on how valuable it was to hear from our customers, partners and competitors on this very important topic.”

Khalil E. Barsoum - CEO/President of IBM Canada

“I had no idea how important it was to recognize gender differences. It affects everything we do from how we work in teams, market and sell our product, and deal with management. Thank you Barbara! An outstanding session for both men and women.”

Rob Singer - President, Europe of Sarah Lee

“Gender Intelligence has made a huge difference to our leadership team and our bank. It has made a tremendous impact in how we lead and communicate with each other, we look forward to rolling this out to our entire bank”

Scott Anderson, CEO, Zions Bank