Barbara Annis, the world’s leading corporate gender specialist, believes that men and women don’t understand each other because they don’t appreciate the different ways men and women relate, communicate, problem-solve, and make decisions. In this original, solutions-based book, Annis explains exactly where we differ and how to improve the way we communicate with one another. Learn of cutting-edge, scientific research into the different neurological frameworks and functions of the male and female brains and how these innate biological differences determine how we: View the world; Solve problems; Make decisions; Prioritize; Manage emotions; Deal with stress; Work in teams; and Lead.

Each day, men and women, looking to bring their best to work, are often challenged by what are no more than false assumptions and mistaken opinions about the other gender—persistent blind spots that frequently result in miscommunication, misunderstanding, resentment, and frustration, negatively affecting their work life as well as their personal life.
Work with Me is the timely collaboration of Barbara Annis, world-renowned expert on gender issues in the workplace, and John Gray, author of the number one relationship book of all time, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. Revealed for the first time are the Eight Gender Blind Spots that create tension between the sexes at work and in their personal lives—Do Women Want Men to Change?; Do Men Appreciate Women?; Are Women Being Excluded?; Do Men Have to Walk on Eggshells with Women?; Do Women Ask Too Many Questions?; Do Men Listen?; Are Women Too Emotional?; Are Men Insensitive?.
Told through science, stories, and the results of over 100,000 in-depth interviews of men and women executives in over 60 Fortune 500 companies, readers will discover the biological and social influences that compel men and women to think and act as they do, and direct how they communicate, solve problems, make decisions, resolve conflict, lead others, and deal with stress. This definitive work-personal life relational guide brings insights and offers solutions to help both men and women remove the blind spots that separate them, allowing for greater success and satisfaction in their professional and personal lives.

Harness the power of this breakthrough book (Jossey-Bass/John Wiley, September, 2008) by authors Michael Gurian and Barbara Annis, who are now also joining forces to develop a keynote (available February, 2008) designed to fundamentally change the way organizations work and build success.
Each of us enters the workplace, not only as an individual, but as a woman or man. Like it or not, our gender-different styles play a major role in how we work together and perform as leaders. The fact is – organizations that truly commit to utilizing the differences between men and women, gain a significant competitive advantage.
Science In Action
This engaging new keynote built on leading-edge gender brain research and more than two decades of in-the-workplace consultation and training, brings the authors’ book to life for you, providing insightful, practical approaches to executive and managerial leadership that will have an impact on all levels of your organization.
An approach that blends DVD-based learning with practical tools, anecdotes, and interactive discussion makes this lecture fun and informative, while fostering a new understanding of leadership and the workplace at points of connection between men and women’s thinking.
Barbara Annis, the leading corporate gender expert, and author of Same Words, Different Language, teams up with New York Times bestselling author Michael Gurian, a pioneer in the field of applied gender neuro-biology. Their powerhouse presentation provides a balanced, gender-positive approach that leaves participants with a sense of enlightenment around the subject of male/female brain difference.
Four Special Features in this Presentation:
- Powerful technology and tools from new brain sciences. The authors present PET and SPECT scans, along with other state-of-the-art brain science tools to highlight the real brain differences between men and women.
- Ready to use, field-tested, and practical Gender Tools. Learn five practical tools that give corporate leaders an ability to increase both their personal comfort and competitive edge as women and men.
- Success Data from Fortune 500 corporations. See quantitative success data from numerous corporations the authors have worked with, including IBM, Microsoft, Deloitte & Touche, where brain-based gender training is adding millions to the bottom line.
- Implications for the Home Front. Michael Gurian weaves relationship and parenting issues into this leadership presentation upon request, since male/female brain differences impact not only corporate leadership, but personal relationships, partnerships, marriages, and the raising of boys and girls.